Sunday, December 1, 2013

Reviews: Our Ajax @ Southwark Playhouse

Our Ajax
Southwark Playhouse, November 29, 2013

            A three-sided stage filled with sand, with a sand-colored plain muslin backdrop and barbed-wire along the walls greats audiences as they walk into Southwark Playhouse’s new adaptation and translation of Sophocles’ Tragedy of Ajax. In the original Greek Tragedy, Ajax has spent most of the Trojan war in competition with Odysseus, and when Odysseus is promoted and recognized above him, he goes made with rage and attempts to kill all the Generals of the Greek Army, including Odysseus. Athena, Protector of Odysseus, plays with Ajax’s mind, causing him to confuse sheep with men and he instead massacres and a herd of poor sheep. Early on in Sophocles’ play, Ajax is killed and then his men spend the rest of the play fighting with Menelaus and Agamemnon for the right to bury their commander. Southwark Playhouse decided to do things a little different in their adaption.
            Our Ajax is set in Afghanistan, during a time when English and American soldiers are working together, based on the uniforms and iPhones, and dialogue, we can assumed that it is set in a fictional world where a war is still raging for the UK in the middle east. Like in the Original Greek Tragedy, Athena plays with the mind of Ajax, but instead of being referred to as Athena, she is just called ‘God’ by the soldiers, a modern way of maintaining the idea of ‘God-control’ while simultaneously straying from the now outdated polytheistic Ancient Greek Religion. Ajax storms in at the top of the play with two bloody sheep’s carcasses, believing that he has taken his revenge and killed Odysseus. Through the play, he and rages and transgresses back into sanity, reassuring his wife and soldiers that he will put everything to right. But once he is alone, Ajax ‘makes everything right’ by ending his life. The last quarter of the play consists of English soldiers and an American General arguing over whether or not to send the body back with honors or to leave it because of his crimes.
            Lasting only 100 minutes, Southwark Playhouse’s production of Our Ajax does not fit the bill of a traditional Greek Tragedy as one might expect. This is actually one of the best qualities of this
adaptation, Timberlake Wertenbaker wrote a fantastic script that strays just enough to fit perfectly into our modern era. Male and female soldiers, cell phones and video, a wonderful scene of celebration with the three main soldiers dancing to ‘Ceiling Can’t Hold Us’. This show was fit so well into our lives, I daresay most of the audience forgot they were watching a play originally written and performed thousands of years ago.
            It’s not one of my favorite plays, the extreme blood thirst of Ajax, not just in this production but in the script, is more than a little disturbing for my taste. This cast did well in their roles, committed and entrenched, I enjoyed their performances – especially the three soldiers who added a nice touch of comedy to this heavy plot. Timberlake Wertenbaker did a wonderful job of cutting out the outdated material, updating the dialogue and subject matter and even drawing out more dramatic elements while truncating the less relevant moments. As far as my personal experience with this play, this is the best translation that I’ve come into contact with yet. If you’ve already read a translation of the original, I would next take a look at this script for a fantastic example of modern adaptation.


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